A Dark Age

How complicated it is....to be a teenager

How complicated it is....to be a teenager
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Drama, Sex, "popularity," self-esteem, pressure, curiousity,betrayal

We all go through what is titled above. We all deal with the stupid shit that goes through our teenage years. If you are a teenager & you don't/ havent experienced at lease 3 of these then you obviously have no life.
Okay here's what happens when you reach your teen years.
  1. People judge you & shove you into a category ( can also be known as labels)
  2. Little teenage girls start drama over stupid shit like "you stole my boyfriend," even tho they're like 13 & dont really need boyfriends until 10th grade when everyone else gets them
  3. If you don't have sex then you're a prude
  4. if you do have sex then your a slut
  5. If you pass out in bio class then you can be seen as a freak (self experience)
  6. People automatically judge you on what you wear & how your body is
  7. Even though people say they don't like people talking behing their back....they so the same thing
  8. No matter what, people talk behind other people's backs
  9. People get into your buisness, which means they don't have a life
  10. Having a myspace means that people get MORE into your buisness
  11. If you actually dance at A dance, people look at you funny & make fun of you because you're having a good time
  12. It isn't a party "without alcohol"
  13. If you dress "gothic" then you MUST smoke & do drugs
  14. If you're homosexual then people make fun of you, even if they support gay marriage
  15. If you skip lunch then you're anorexic
  16. If you get in fights in the hall way, you're praised

I'm sure there's tons more....ill think about it.....



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