A Dark Age

My Heros

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Anna Svidersky. She was murdered while working a shift at McDonalds.She made it to the Hospital, but died a couple minutes later. Her last words were "tell my family I love them, tell christina that everything will be okay." She always thought of others before herself.


Janice Dickinson. I <3 her spunk. She always makes me laugh. "We never rat out our bitches." She really knows the model buisness. She was on the show The Surreal Life & she was a judge on America's Next Top Model for four seasons. Janice is known as being the worlds first supermodel. She speaks her mind & doesnt care if she makes people cry or if she is seen as a bitch.Yes she is fake from head to toe, but I still think she's awesome.

Melinda from Ghost Whisperer. She is played by Jennifer Love Hewitt. Melinda was born with the power to communicate with the dead. When a spirit has unfinished buisness or can appear to be "lost," Melinda helps the spirit by finishing their duties & helping them cross over. She has to go through a lot of shit. Melinda is always trash-talked to when she tries to explain to a spirits family that she has a gift. The only people who back her up are her GORGEOUS husband Jim (a paramdeic), & her best friend Andrea(co-worker).Melinda has the sweetest personality & always finishes wut she starts.



Buffy is another one of my heros. She kicks ass & shit  ALSO! She was made love to by one of the most gorgeous guys on this planet. yah! David Borenanaz.


The magnificent seven. These girls participated in the 1996 Olympics for Women's Gymnastics. They were the first American team to win the Gold in Women's gymnastics EVER in the Olympics. They all kicked ass.


Jessica Simpson. Not only is she a gorgeous talented singer with millions of $$. Yes she may be an airhead & doesnt think before she says stuff, but she's goal orriented. Although her marriage failed...she STILL married Nick Lachey a gorgeous hunk. ^_^